What is Biochemistry? History and its scope.

 What is biochemistry?

      The term Biochemistry was introduced by Carl Neuberg in 1903. Biochemistry broadly deals with the chemistry of life and living processes. Biochemistry is the language of biology. The tools for research in all the branches of medical science are based on principles of biochemistry. The study of biochemistry is essential to understanding the basic functions of the body. This will give information regarding the functioning of cells at the molecular level. How the food that we eat is digested, absorbed, and used to make ingredients of the body? How does the body derive energy for normal day-to-day work? How are the various metabolic processes interrelated? What is the function of genes? What is the molecular basis for immunological resistance against invading organisms? Answer for such basic questions can only be derived by a systematic study of medical biochemistry. Modern-day medical practice is highly dependent on the laboratory analysis of body fluids, especially the blood. The disease manifestations are reflected in the composition of blood and other tissues. Hence, the demarcation of abnormal from normal constituents of the body is another aim of the study of clinical biochemistry.

History of biochemistry

     The word chemistry is derived from the Greek word "chemi" (the black land), the ancient name of Egypt. Indian medical science, even from ancient times, had identified the metabolic and genetic basis of diseases. Charaka, the great master of Indian Medicine, in his treatise (circa 400 BC) observed that madhumeha (diabetes mellitus) is produced by the alterations in the metabolism of carbohydrates and fats; the statement still holds good. Biochemistry has developed as an offshoot of organic chemistry, and this branch was often referred to as "physiological chemistry". The term "Biochemistry" was coined by Neuberg in 1903 from Greek words, bios (= life) and chymos (= juice). One of the earliest treatises in biochemistry was the "Book of Organic Chemistry and its Applications to Physiology and Pathology", published in 1842 by Justus von Liebig (1803- 73), who introduced the concept of metabolism. The "Textbook of Physiological Chemistry" was published in 1877 by Felix Hoppe-Seyler (1825-95), who was a professor of physiological chemistry at Strausbourge University, France.

Milestones in the history of biochemistry

        Some of the milestones in the development of the science of biochemistry  The practice of medicine is both an art and a science. The word "doctor" is derived from the Latin root, "docere", which means "to teach". Knowledge devoid of ethical background may sometimes be disastrous! Hippocrates (460 BC to 377 BC), the father of modern medicine articulated "the Oath". About one century earlier, Sushrutha (500 BC), the great Indian surgeon, enunciated a code of conduct to the medical practitioners, which is still valid. He proclaims: "You must speak only truth; care for the good of all living beings; devote yourself to the healing of the sick even if your life be lost by your work; be simply clothed and drink no intoxicant; always seek to grow in knowledge; in face of God, you can take upon yourself these vows."    

       Biochemistry is perhaps the most rapidly developing subject in medicine. No wonder, the major share of Nobel prizes in medicine has gone to research workers engaged in biochemistry. Thanks to the advent of DNA-recombination technology, genes can now be transferred from one person to another, so that many of the genetically determined diseases are now amenable to gene therapy. Many genes, (e.g. human insulin gene) have already been transferred to microorganisms for large-scale production of human proteins. Advances in genomics like RNA interference for silencing of genes and the creation of transgenic animals by gene targeting of embryonic stem cells are 
opening up new vistas in the therapy of diseases like cancer and AIDS. It is hoped that in the future, physicians will be able to treat the patient, understanding his genetic basis, so that very efficient "designer medicine" could cure the diseases. A large amount of data, especially about single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) that are available, could be harnessed by "Bioinformatics". Computers are already helping in the drug designing process. Studies on oncogenes have identified molecular mechanisms of control of normal and abnormal cells. Medical practice is now taking more and more help from the field of biochemistry. With the help of the human genome project (HGP) the sequences of the whole human genes are now available; it has already made a great impact on medicine and related health sciences.

Scope of biochemistry

       There is no exaggeration in the statement, ‘The scope of biochemistry is as vast as life itself !’ Every aspect of life-birth, growth, reproduction, aging, and death, involves biochemistry. For that matter, every movement of life is packed with hundreds of biochemical reactions. Biochemistry is the most rapidly developing and most innovative subject in medicine. This becomes evident from the fact that over the years, the major share of Nobel Prizes earmarked for Medicine and Physiology has gone to researchers engaged in biochemistry. The discipline of biochemistry serves as a torchlight to trace the intricate complexities of biology, besides unraveling the chemical mysteries of life. Biochemical research has amply demonstrated that all living things are closely related at the molecular level. Thus biochemistry is the subject of unity in the diversified living kingdom. Advances in biochemistry have a tremendous impact on human welfare and have largely benefited mankind and their living styles. These include the application of biochemistry in the laboratory for the diagnosis of diseases, the products (insulin, interferon, growth hormone, etc.) obtained from genetic engineering, and the possible use of gene therapy shortly.
